Customer Service
There are two ways to unlock your account:
a) Delete the KT BANK APP and reinstall it. After entering your customer number and online banking password, you can start the verification process.
b) Click on ‘PIN/Settings’ and remove the user. Then, proceed with a new verification.
In case of loss or theft of your KT Bank card(s), you have two options to deactivate your card(s): Through your online banking:
- Log in to online banking as usual.
- Click on the “All Transactions” tab.
- A menu with an overview will open.
- Click on the “Cards” tab.
- An overview of your cards will open.
- Choose the card to be blocked and click on “Card Details” -> “Update” -> “Customer Status” -> “Passive”. Your card is now deactivated. Then contact our Service Center Team to order your new card(s). You can find the contact details here.
Through your Mobile Banking (only for your Jetzz Card):
- Log in to mobile banking as usual.
- Click on “Cards”
- Click on “My Cards”
- Select the Jetzz Card and click on “Deactivate”. Your card is now deactivated.
- Then contact our Service Center Team to order your new Jetzz Card. You can find the contact details here.
Important: KT Bank is not a partner of the 116-116 emergency blocking service. The cards can only be blocked by us or by you through your online and mobile banking.